LLLT is a low power semiconductor laser therapy that improves tissue repair (skin wounds, muscles, tendons, bones, nerves) and reduces inflammation and pain. We combine low-power laser medical technology with traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture to develop "non-invasive" laser acupuncture products, such as laser hair growth caps/combs, laser masks, laser ear and nose health care, etc.
In order to extend its tentacles to the field of biotechnology and medical treatment, LECC Dishen Electronics takes the lead in developing EEL lasers in the form of SMD packages. In addition to saving a lot of labor costs and reducing losses in the production process, it has high energy and is as concentrated as the To packaged laser beam. And in 2021, the ISO-13485 medical equipment quality certification will be completed, so that the product quality can meet the medical grade, and customers can feel more at ease!
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